Friday, September 19, 2008 

Making Money Online - The Real Truth - Saturation

In this installment of making money online...the real truth...I want to talk about something that is so misunderstood and so blown out of proportion that it has become an actual joke. I'm referring to saturation, or more specifically, the saturation myth. And make no mistake about it...saturation IS a myth and one that needs to be blown out of the water before we end up having no markets to sell to at all. This article is going to explain, quite clearly, why there is no such thing as saturation in the marketplace.

First of all, for those who may not know what saturation is, if it existed, it's the point where there are literally no other prospects to market to because they've all been sold to already in whatever niche you happen to be involved in. The niche itself has completely dried up and there is just no more money to make out of it. This is called saturation...and it's a bunch of bologna.

There is no such thing as saturation and here is why. If you look at the Internet, it is not a static entity. Nothing in this world is. People come and go on a daily basis. There are always new people coming into a marketplace. And the truth is, the Internet population, as it stands now, is only a fraction of what it is going to be years from now. There are whole countries that don't have Internet access that will soon be joining the ranks before you know it. Guess what? These people will then become part of your target market.

Marketers also think that if there is too much competition it will be impossible to sell to these people because of all the marketers in that niche. While a great amount of competition makes things harder, it does not make it anywhere near impossible. Quite the opposite. If there is that much competition, then that means there is a thriving hungry market out there that you can very easily reach by using proper promotional methods. I personally tackle the most competitive markets on the Internet and do very nicely with them. Why do you think that is? It's because I know how to promote my products and services.

So the next time somebody says to you that they wouldn't touch a particular market because it's saturated, I hope you will think about this article, give a little chuckle and go out and tackle it.

There are probably a lot of hungry people out there ready to buy what you have to sell.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

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