Wednesday, October 8, 2008 

Warhammer Online Dwarfs - Dwarf Classes

The Warhammer Online dwarfs are the classic D&D fantasy type. They are stubborn, strong willed, industrious, and at times quite disagreeable. A dwarf rarely forgets a grudge and the race is naturally drawn to war.

The dwarfs in Warhammer Online can choose from three classes, Ironbreaker, Rune Priest, and Engineer.

The Ironbreaker is the tank class specializing in heavy armor, large shields, and one handed weapons. Playing as an Ironbreaker your goal is to control hate and keep the enemies focused on you. As you take damage and deal it mobs will further their focus on you keeping your team out of danger.

Rune Priest, while not magic users, do possess powerful runes grant buffing and de-buffing abilities. There are several paths of specialization you can go down, ranging from more powerful singular runes, to broader less potent runes. The Rune Priest can change the flow of battle with well timed runes but to do this preparation is the key. Since you specialize in buffs you won't Hard To Find Video Games to simply sit and monitor health levels, you use your runes then you could hop into battle. Rune Priests wear a respectable medium armor and use staffs, de-buff your enemies and pick them off.

The third Warhammer Online dwarf class is the Engineer. Dwarfs in many fantasy series have been depicted as master craftsman and inventors, and In Warhammer this is that class. The Engineer is armed heavily with bombs, grenades, guns, and a few close range weapons. Engineers are a damage class that is ideal at a medium range. With all this heavy equipment to carry light armor will be all that is available to the Engineer.

Warhammer Online Dwarfs have three very Variety Of Video Games classes to choose from. The Ironbreaker is the most heavily armored unit on the Order side so they will be in high demand. Plus who doesn't like dwarfs; they are short, mean and generally have a fierce drinking problem, what's not to love.

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