Tuesday, November 11, 2008 

Xbox 360 3 Red Flashing Lights Error Code Fixes

IntroductionThe infamous xbox 360 3 red flashing lights aka "Red Ring Of Death" need not trigger a panic attack as visions of costly repairs are conjured up. The xbox 360 provides for secondary error codes which give more information as to the actual cause of the problem and so you can make an informed decision on what to do next.

Getting the secret code
Turn the xbox 360 on, and wait for the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights indication. Press and hold the sync up button, which is a small white button, and whilst holding in the sync button press the eject button. The segments will now blink the first number of the code. Release the eject button whilst still keeping the sync button pressed. Press the eject button again and the segments will blink the second number of the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights secret code. Repeat the release and press sequence for a further two times to obtain the third and fourth numbers of the xbox 360 3 red flashing lights code. The flashing segments are interpreted as follows to get the code number:
(a)All four lights flashing - 0
(b)One light flashing - 1
(c)Two Lights flashing - 2
(d)Three lights flashing - 3.

The Xbox 360 3 red lights secret codes
The following codes deal with over heating problems namely 0011 CPU over heating, 0012 GPU over heating, 0013 RAM over heating.
Network problems are indicated by 0002 Network Interface problem and 1030 which indicates a problem with the Ethernet port's controller chip.
DVD Drive Errors 1001 and 1002 indicate incorrect drive firmware, whilst 1023 indicates a DVD drive not connected.
Hard drive error 1003 indicates either a problem with the Hard Drive or its internal connection and 1010 a Hard Drive eProm problem.
Bad solder joint problems are covered by the following error codes.0021, 0010, 0022, 0100,0102, 0103, 0110,0121. If your console is still under warranty return it to the store where it was purchased or call MS to have it replaced. If it is our of warranty, then for instructions on how to fix the problem follow this link
Miscellaneous problems include 1000, Kernel problems after bad update or a bad SATA cable. 0030 a problem with temperature control. 1022 either the "ANA" or "HANA" chips near the AV cable connection are faulty or the AV cable itself.
Code 0001 is a straight power supply problem. 0003 indicates that the console is not receiving clean power from the power supply..
The following codes refer to unknown problems 0023, 0031, 0032, 0033, 0101, 0200, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1020, 1021, 1031, 1032, 1033.

The xbox 360 3 red flashing lights need not mean expensive repairs or being seperated from your xbox for long periods of time. Understanding the secondary codes allows you to decide whether to carry out the repairs yourself or get someone else to repair your xbox 360.

To find out more about fixing and maintaing your Xbox 360, why not download a free ebook by visiting http://www.xboxflashingredlights.docsabout.com

Bill Williams is an electronics and software engineer who spends his spare time researching and writing on various topics.

A young boy in a nutritional reeducation center in 2004. The neck arteries of obese children and teenagers experience similar strain as those of middle-aged adults, US researchers said Tuesday.(AFP/File/Francois Guillot)AP - Obese children as young as 10 had the arteries of 45-year-olds and other heart abnormalities that greatly raise their risk of heart disease, say doctors who used ultrasound tests to take a peek inside.


Audiostrobe Technology - It Is More Than Just What Meets The Eyes

Audiostrobe is a technology that synchronizes sound and light.
It is used to enhance our brain function through a method
called biofeedback. In short it is an exercise machine for the brain.

The generated sound is a brainwave recording and the light is flashes
of LED's light in various colors. When combined and synchronized together
they are believed to be able to give maximum stimulus to our brain.

The hardware package consists of a device called light
frame, which is basically an eye glasses that contains various LEDs embedded in it.
The sound is piped to the user through headphone. This headphone can be any
normal headphone that has good frequency response, that able to give enough bass
and treble sound.

Audiostrobe's light frame technology is still evolving. Since it is a
niche technology, its progress is not as fast as the one for mass produced
consumer product such as the headphone.

Old light frames are limited on number of colors that they can flash.
This is because they are using combination of LEDs go generate the light.
New light frame technology is using RGB LED chip which enable it to generate
thousands of colors instead of maximum of 10 colors in the old technology.

The heart of this system is the software which is normally stored in CD
and the synchronizer interface hardware that read the CD contents and produce
the synchronized signals to the light frame and the headphone.

If you are interested to find out more about audiostrobe technology you can go to
website of the system manufacturers such as Mindmachines ( www.mindmachines.com ),
and MindModulations ( www.mindmodulations.com ).

Sa Wahid is the owner of site Self Improvement Through Technology - http://www.dzikry.com/blog. Visit this site for more information on mind boggling technologies that can tweak and tune-up your brain into super-brain.

With the White House in the background, workers continue to build the Presidential inauguration reviewing stand in Washington, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008. On January 20, 2009, President Obama and guests will view the inaugural parade from the stand. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)AP - The senator overseeing Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony said Monday she's writing to Internet sites like eBay asking them not to sell scalped inauguration tickets. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., also said she's crafting a bill that would make a federal crime of selling tickets to the historic event Jan. 20.

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