Sunday, November 9, 2008 

How You Can Take Advantage Of New Technology And Print Postage Online

If going to the post office is a chore you would love to take off your list, the time has come to look into the ability to print postage online. Even if your computer skills are strained when you move beyond sending an email, you will find that being able to print online postage is easy and will benefit you in several different ways. Here are some reasons being able to do so is a great advantage for both home and business.

One of the most obvious advantages is that you can completely eliminate the need to stand in line at the post office. It doesn't matter whether you are mailing letters, postcards, or packages. The USPS approved online postage services are set up so that you can print online for just about any situation. From there, you simply drop the letters of package into any USPS mail receptacle at your leisure.

Along with the ability to print post online, you also can have the system automatically print your return address on the envelope, as well as enter the mailing address for the recipient. Being able to fill out the entire face of the envelope can be a wonderful time saver, allowing you to cover all three steps at one time.

Another advantage is that you are able to build a useful address book as you go, or incorporate an existing electronic address book into your account. This means that once you have an address saved in the system, you will never have to enter the data a second time. The next time you need to send a letter to a relative across the country, simple select the right name and address, select the postage and then print postage online along with the recipient's name.

A great feature of online postal services is that the system will check the accuracy of your recipient address before it will allow you to print stamps online. As an example, you will not be able to transpose digits in the zip code: the system will catch that and flag it for correction before proceeding. This feature alone can make it worthwhile, as it means you do not have to worry about mail being returned because you failed to write the address correctly.

Have you ever been left with a large number of stamps when the USPS would implement a rate increase? That is not a problem. Because you only print what you need, there is never any leftover. An additional perk is that all the approved vendors for online postage automatically update the rates at the appropriate time. This means that if you use the ability to print your stamps on the internet for your business, you do not have to be concerned about resetting anything before you can print the correct amount of postage.

There are many other advantages. For more information, check out some of the authorized vendors on the Internet. You can establish an account very easily, and be printing postage in no time.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on printing postage and a digital postal scale at

President-elect Obama speaks during a press conference on the economy in Chicago, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 as Vice President-elect Biden listens in the background. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)Politico - Barack Obama will enter the White House without any military experience and with a playbook that emphasizes diplomacy, behind a president who waged two wars and presided over some of the largest-ever defense budget increases. 


Alternate Rules For Board Games

Sometimes, when dedicated fans play a beloved game over and over again, they may start to grow a little weary of the same, traditional rules. They often look for new ways to play the game, either little ways to twist the rules, or a completely new approach to an already enjoyable game. Some of these alternate rules end up becoming rather popular and can give players completely new insights into the games that they already love.

One such game that was built out of alternate rules is Speed Scrabble. Abandoning the traditional board, Speed Scrabble plays out using all of the tiles from a traditional Scrabble set and works on the principle of players needing to use all of their tiles to build words as quickly as they can. 4 or 5 players are the ideal number for a Speed Scrabble game, for when it is considered that there are 100 tiles in a traditional Scrabble set, the number of tiles works out exactly so that each player will always have an equal number of tiles.

The rules of Speed Scrabble are the same as traditional Scrabble - only English words are allowed that are not proper nouns, abbreviations, or slang. Words in question must be voted upon by the group, unless a traditional Scrabble dictionary is handy. Blanks are allowed, but must represent the same letter for every word that it is a part of. One of the advantages of Speed Scrabble, however, is that at any point during the game, one can take all of the letters they have used so far and rearrange their entire board to make new words using the same letters. This often proves to be a winning strategy in the game. Speed Scrabble has proven itself to be a unique twist on the classic intelligence game and players looking for a change to their normal routine should consider giving this a try!

Other alternate rules for different board games are not always so extreme. Risk is a game that is often adapted to any certain player's needs. While a popular game, Risk does draw some complaints, often from the lengthy period of time in which it takes to not only set up the board, but for each player to complete their turn.

One version of Risk does away with the lengthy set up time frame by making each player's starting countries end up completely random. Another version removes the use of dice from the game and proposes a 1 to 1 exchange rate for armies. By sacrificing one of your own armies, you destroy one of your opponent's. This allows no player to be the victim of simple bad luck and provides for an even more strategic approach to the game. This version also places more importance on the cards drawn during the game, allowing them to be redeemed immediately instead of having to wait for a set to be drawn. This allows players to be even more aggressive in their approach to their respective strategies.

By simply taking any game and applying alternate rules, the game can almost be completely re-invented and provide a fun, new experience for everyone involved.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for board games, chess boards, and dungeons and dragons miniatures. You will find all these things and more if you visit alternate rules board games, chess boards.

Members of the Secret Service accompany President-elect Obama, center, to his vehicle as leaves the gym following his workout Sunday, Nov. 9, 2008, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)AP - President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.


Download Games For PSP

The PSP has been on the market for a few years now and is a great portable gaming device. You can download games for your PSP but sometimes you may find it difficult to search for games to download on your PSP.

Here are a few points to keep in mind when downloading games for PSP

PSP Firmware

The PSP firmware is like the operating system of the PSP. It controls all the software and hardware functions of the PSP. Each batch of PSP firmware is different. Only earlier firmware versions are able to play downloaded games for psp. These are psp firmware version 1.00 and 1.50.

To check your PSP firmware version, go to system settings menu and select it. Then select system information and select the option system software. It will tell you the firmware version for your PSP.

Playing movies and mp3 are fine, only downloaded games. There are some emulators or PSP hacks that can get past this limitation since all new PSP shipped nowadays have firmware 2.00 and above. However, it is not safe and may actually damage the firmware of your PSP.

PSP Emulators

There are many PSP software emulators on the internet that allows you to play old console games. Examples are nintendo, super nintendo, game boy advance and sega genesis.

There are some arguments about the legality of such emulators at present but unless you are distributing or selling such emulators, there should be nothing to worry about.

There are some games that are homebrew. It means PSP games created by amateurs for fun or who wants to study how games are made on the PSP. These are pretty rudimentary and simple and unless you enjoy games such as pong or invaders, you might want to give it a miss.

PSP Game Download Sites

There are quite a number of psp game download sites on the internet. Some are legal and some are not. Be careful when loading games from such sites as you may be violating copyright laws.

There are a few that are legal psp game download sites. Most require a one time membership fee that allows you to download unlimited PSP games.

I highly recommend if you are interested in such sites to use these legal sites as they are safer and usually provide better support and download speeds. They have many download games for psp as well as movies, mp3 as well.

Discover the best psp game download sites recommended by Ricky that is legal and fast to download. Click here to find out.

Chart  shows percentage of total American auto market for the last two decades;AP - Democratic leaders in Congress asked the Bush administration on Saturday to provide more aid to the struggling auto industry, which is bleeding cash and jobs.

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