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Sunday, October 26, 2008 

Drinking Water Safety - Take Advantage of New Technology

Let's face it...we live in a world of rapidly developing technological advances. Fortunately, for us, this has resulted in continued improvement in the quality of our daily lives. Take drinking water safety as an example. Over the years, the danger of waterborne diseases caused by harmful bacteria has been replaced by hazardous environmental toxins. As such, water disinfection has been replaced by water filtration. These remarkable advances allow us to take advantage of new technology that comes right out of our drinking water faucets.

100 years ago, public health officials were delighted and relieved to discover that chlorine could kill the bugs that caused devastating typhoid and cholera epidemics. Cities and towns across the U.S. now had the foundation on which to build an effective water treatment system that could provide drinking water safety for their citizens. But at that time it was difficult to see that chlorine had its own potentially dangerous drawbacks.

Leaching heavy metals from aging home plumbing, creating harmful chloroform gas, and stripping our skin of essential oils and fatty acids are just a few of the problems associated with chlorine in our water. However, the most serious drawback of all is that chlorine is unable to handle the contamination now coming out of our drinking water faucets. The numerous toxins (2100, according the the Ralph Nader Research) and recently-discovered pharmaceutical drugs scientifically detected in our water cannot be disinfected by chlorine. These substances must be removed by filtration.

Despite the fact that this new technology exists, municipalities are reluctant to overhaul their outdated systems, primarily because of the cost. Chlorine is cheap and readily available. But as more and more people become aware of these new threats to our drinking water safety, local officials are going to be forced to take another look at costs vs. benefits. And given the potential for harm by these toxins, the costs could go well beyond just the funding for a new water treatment system. Medical experts are concerned about new, untreatable diseases that could be born with the help of pharmaceutical drugs in our water.

But this doesn't mean that you're helpless to do anything to prevent these unwanted substances from coming out of your drinking water faucets. It is possible to put drinking water safety back into your own capable hands. There are many home water filtration products that are quite effective at removing these toxins. All you have to do is spend a little time researching and comparing these water purification systems. Cost, convenience, ease of installation and maintenance can be a starting point for your comparison.

I also suggest looking at multi-stage filtration systems. They are the most effective at getting rid of most VOCs (volatile organic chemicals), SOCs (synthetic organic chemicals), heavy metals and bacteria. This type of filtration also works on removing pharmaceutical drugs from water. You will find that some systems even carry certifications for this type of contaminant removal.

Oh...you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that multi-stage filtration not only provides you with water that is clean, but that is healthy too! This amazing technology is able to leave in essential minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium that naturally occur in water and contribute to our good health. And as an added bonus, the water that comes out of your drinking water faucets tastes great.

So now that you know its possible to take advantage of new technology, don't rely on a 100-year old method for ensuring the drinking water safety of you and your family.

Article authored by Olivia Romero - http://www.cleancoolwater.com - "There are many important reasons why we need clean, healthy water but there's one which has to rank as the most important of all"

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., takes the stage at a rally at the Univ. of New Mexico in Albuquerque , N.M.Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008.(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)AP - Barack Obama is trying to snag a win in Colorado, a state that twice sided with President Bush, as the race for the presidency whirls into its final days.

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